A major key to success in life is being proactive. Thinking ahead to solve problems before they compound and gets out of hand is a major factor that has differentiated the successful from others.
Here is an opportunity for you to transform your idea to reality as Rhegos Resources, a business startup and consulting firm offers business consulting services for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), budding entrepreneurs and young startups.
Rhegos Resources offers business advisory and directional services to help every young business people get the right direction for their ideas and package same well.
Rhegos boss, Sunday Obanubi, said this is the best time for anyone to get into business and leverage on the opportunities available in in the economy with the embargo placed on several import goods.
Rhegos Resources offers the following services; business registration, tax advisory services, business plans and marketing strategies, social media marketing, funding advisory and general consulting services as the company is solely committed to helping entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen business.
You can reach Rhegos Resources via any of the channels below. www.Rhegos.com, on twitter @RhegosNG, facebook.com/Rhegos or directly on +234-8168779399