See The Giant Pythons Of Ihiala In Anambra State (Photo)

In many places in Igboland, the python is regarded
as a 'sacred being' which no one is expected to kill,
harm or maltreat. It is an age-long observance
because to most Igbo communities, Eke or python
is seen as the symbol of the sea or river goddess.
It protects and provides for the people, both in
terms of wealth, fertility and long life. To the
people, eke is a harmless 'being' and it is actually
harmless to those who do not kill it.
To them, eke symbolises peace, prosperity and
abundance, especially in the waters.
At Umuohi, Okija, in Ihiala local government area
of Anambra state, a man called Ukata Nnanna in an
interview gave a clearer picture of why the eke has
come to be regarded as being so sacred and in some
places is worshipped as a goddess.
"The story of eke we have here is sacred and
different. But before we go on, it is good to point
out that the mystery surrounding eke is greater than
most of us can actually understand.
Our own case is quite peculiar. In the olden days,
our people used to provide shelter for strangers.
This was how the issue of eke became a symbol of
respect and regards here in our village", Nnanna
said, grinning and shaking his head repeatedly.
"There was one certain aged widow who was said
to have been driven away by her husband people.
She set out on a journey, a journey she did not
know where it would take her.
When she got to Umuohi, Okija, she stopped and
begged our people to provide a place for her to rest
her feet. She was by then too tired to continue on
her way.
"Our people did not only give her a place to settle
down, she was also asked to remain with us.
Without knowing it, our people had given shelter
and hope to a woman with plenty of mysterious
Before the woman died she made a lot of promises
to our people. In the first place she asked that her
house be built by the riverside.
No one knew why she made that sort of request.
But then at her death she decreed that no Umuohi
woman should be maltreated by her husband
And wherever she is married to, on the first night of
her arrival, a python would appear to encourage
and strengthen her.
To date, this situation still exists; that once an
Umuohi woman is being threatened at her
husband's place, a python appears, sometimes a
very big one that would frighten people out of their
For this reason, a lot of people are sceptical about
marrying an Umuohi woman.
"The woman did not even die. She turned into eke.
She lives inside the Okpu stream or if you like
river, which is along Owerri-Onitsha road, Anambra
There you can see this big python and it comes out
once the sun is out to suntan. This is what it does
everyday. It is so huge that a lot of people are
scared of it," Nnanna stressed.
"But we the Umuohi people are not," he boasted.
The python which is called eke ogwugwu-mili
therefore is said to be the mother of all the pythons
that litter the length and breath of Igboland.
Today, anyone who kills or maims eke either
knowingly or unknowingly is compelled to buy all
the necessary materials with which to bury it.
These range from white cloth, to coffin, kola nuts,
white chalk and so on. The coffin would be placed
in a conspicuous place where passers-by are wont
to pay condolences and show some sign of remorse.
Where one fails to bury the eke in the traditional
way, more stringent punishments will be placed on
him and members of his family.
Sometimes he would be ostracised or banished
from the land depending on the circumstances of
the death of the python. Some even have small pox
sickness placed on them.
It is because of all these that eke does not bite the
natives of Okija and other places where these
observances are made.
If eke bites one by error, all it does is to hiss, and
then the bite will have no effect on the person.
Even then, Christians also obey the law; they too
do not kill eke.
Why would anyone kill it when it does not harm
him? Some people would often ask.
Eke is a common sight in many places in Igboland
where they are at liberty to crawl without let or
There is the eke Idemili (for Idemili, river). There is
also eke Ogba which is supposed to be the king of
all the pythons.

That one lives inside huge forests and so has no
contact with human civilization. Each area gives the eke a name according to what it does for them and the deity it represents. For some, it is eke atamili' or eke nkwo ocha, all in the name of what place it has in their communal lifestyle and existence.

Today at Umuohi, Okija, eke still remains their
symbol, some kind of rallying point. And you are not expected to treat their daughters with disdain and disrespect.

Source: TheNation

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