12 year old girl hangs herself after losing mother to cancer

A 12-year-old schoolgirl whose mother died of breast cancer killed herself after posting self- harm pictures on Instagram, an inquest has heard.
Isabel Ann Richardson, from Norwich, was

struggling with feelings she was 'worthless' and
'empty' after losing her mother Karina to the disease in 2010. But despite speaking to a school nurse at
Hewett School, she was overcome by her sadness and on May 12, discovered hanging in her bedroom by her father.
Earlier that evening, Isabel's father Stephen Richardson was called by her brother about
distressing images she had posted online. Entering her bedroom to check on her, he found her hanging and she was rushed to hospital. She died six days later.
The inquest at Norfolk Coroner's Court heard
Isabel had told her father about the self
harming five weeks prior to her death.

After he was informed, the two began
speaking to a school nurse and were referred to bereavement service Nelson's Journey. Isabel was also due to speak to a youth service counsellor the day after she was found dead.

The inquest heard Mr Richardson said his daughter told him she had stopped hurting herself and he thought she was a lot happier since the meetings.

However, he added: 'I was aware of her self harm, but I never thought for a second she would do anything like take her own life. 'I will always think I could have done more.'
Coroner Jacqueline Lake recorded a narrative
verdict - saying it wasn't clear if Isabel had
intended to take her life. She said: 'Although she hanged herself, this could have been a cry for help.'

Daily Mail
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